Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Yet another Moth sailing blog...

With the Moth Worlds (www.mothworlds.org/belmont) announced for Belmont in January 2011 and friends wedding to attend the week after, what more of an excuse did I need to buy a Moth and get involved in some of the most exciting racing going on the planet.

Step 1 was to find a boat, a process which was quickly completed when Luka Damic decided to offload his  just over a year old Prowler Zero (www.fastacraft.com) with a bunch of his special modifications (dial and wand primarily). It was the type of boat I needed, new enough to not be soft banged up or with broken parts, but not at the premium price of a brand new boat (plus it had some nice CST high mod wingbars and a skinny single piece mast)

Collecting "Gobbles" from the Transport Depot

Now renamed "Gobbles" Moth AUS 3573 is my first foray into boat ownership, skiff sailing, foiling and sailing damn fast. Well that was the plan.

Out of the Box

Step 2 was supposed to be Rig Boat, go for a quick sail, get on up on foils and enjoy. But Moths teach you one thing, and thats humility and patience. What I though would take a few days took weeks of learning how the boat works, how I need to move and the unique motions of a boat that is most stable at over 10 knots half a metre above the water, or on its side.

One of the First times out

Over the last 6 months I have progressed from "swimming" the boat around to being able to foil in a straight line with some nice speed (16kts + at times). The corners elude me at the moment but thats the next project. Foiling Gybes first, the tacks will come with more time!

I am based at south of Perth Yacht Club in WA, and out fleet has slowly grown over the recent months, with up to 7 known boats ready to sail now or in the near future, and 5 possibly attending the worlds. Hopefully a resurgence of the Moth fleet at the home of foiling is well underway!

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