Sunday, October 3, 2010

Technora is not an impervious membrane

Fantastic moth sailing weather today on the Swan River. I started sailing into a lightish northerly which after about 10 minutes had swung to the south-west and built to about 10 knots, perfect!

Sailed for about 15 minutes until I popped a couple of cams. Not enough cunningham will do that. Sailed into the beach to pop the cams back in and replace a couple of batteries on my ATC2k camera focussed on the main foil.

I had changed my main foil push rod length to have the flap at an approximately neutral position when the wand is about 30 degrees off vertical. Made a huge difference to the ride quality, especially with the new and improved  lower wand section. Video of the main foil only lasts 1m:30s, and doesn't show anything interesting, but will keep recording in future to try and find out more about my set up and maybe capture a fly out or something else interesting.

Went straight back out for another spin, and had more good breeze with nice foiling runs.

Big Congrats to John who launched his new boat this weekend. Foiled almost as soon as he came out of the channel, flew across the river and nailed a foiling gybe. They say its like riding a bike!

My day ended early with the below misfortune whilst trying to work on my foiling gybes. Apparently 6'2" 100kg Humans do not bounce off a V6 North Main...

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